QMeye User Manual 2024

QMeye User Manual 2024, QmEye is intended to monitor various types of remote video devices, such as , DVRs, and NVRs. The program requires using an account; and, if you do not have one, you can create right from the program’s interface. Setting a new account also needs providing your email address, which is used to recover your password in case you forget it.

The tool allows adding and monitoring a large number of cameras simultaneously. The cameras in your network can be automatically found and installed. The program supports IP and P2P connection modes as well as UMSP, HZXM, and HZZN protocols. It could also be necessary to provide the camera’s password to access it. After this step, the devices can be organized by grouping them into different folders. For monitoring purposes, it is possible to divide the workspace into up to 64 regions. Moreover, on the left, there is a panel, from which you can control the selected camera.

In addition to allowing the users to view live video streams, the program also lets you schedule recording sessions and play them later. Likewise, it can take snapshots of specific video frames. Moreover, you can implement alarms to send notifications to a given SMS number.

All in all, QmEye is an excellent solution in terms of the number of cameras and connection protocols allowed. Unfortunately, the tool is not as easy to use as other similar tools and its graphical user interface probably needs a redesign.

This manual has mainly instructions on the installation and usage in Android, mobile phone.


This cloud service platform is the best mobile phone video during the internet era. It consists of front-end acquisition devices, platform servers, and remote view of three parts.

Open the software into the login interface, inputting the username and password and click button “login”, then it will be login the application.

Icon description:



Function description



After select, it will go directly to the main menu when you log in again.

Notice: Please click “LoginFree”, directly into the system, without verifying user name and password. And you can get help information without login.
1.1 User register
User register

Click the button “register” on the login menu, then will jump to the register interface.

Enter the register information, click “register” then will be registered.
1 please enter the valid E-mail address in order to retrieve your password when you lost it.


2 No account login version, no such function! 

retrieve the password

On the register clicking the button “login” and jump to “retrieve password” interface.

Input the username, click button “retrieve password”.

If you have entered your name and email address when registering and the username has been occupied, then “retrieve password” information will be sent to the email address.

QMeye User Manual 2024

1.2 Real-time preview

In the main menu, clicking “real-time preview
Click “Favorites” button, go to “collection management” interface

Click on the icon
, favorites list change into editing state, click icon, you can delete your favorites.
Select one of the devices on “Live list” ente
rs the video preview interface.

Button instruction



function instruction



return to main menu



move to the left



move to the right



move down



move up









zoom out



zoom in


image17 1

aperture enlarge


image18 1

aperture narrow



start/ close intercom



start/ close speakers



stop/ start






start / close the local video





image25 1

channel switcher

1.3 device management

Click the button” device management” on the main menu and enter “device management” interface.

Icon instruction



Function instruction



return to the main menu



click on the pop-up menu, such as modifying parameters, name options





image30 1






image32 1

after pop-up, add the catalogue,, device and shot menu



search the local shot

Modify the connection parameter

Click on the icon, select “modify connect parameter”, then into “modify device” dialog box

Click on the icon, return to the device management lists.
BClick on the icon, save the current configuration.

Modify the name

image28 1image34 1image8 1image35 1

Click on the icon, select the option “modify the name”, then pops up “modify name” or “modify the catalogue” dialog box.

Click “OK” button to save the current configuration.
Click “cancel” button to cancel the modifying.

image28 2image36

Click on icon, select “delete’ button to delete the current device directly
Add the catalogue

image28 3

Click on icon, select “add the catalogue” option, then pops up “add the catalogue” dialog box

Click “OK” button, it will be saved the current configuration. Then will be showed in the device management list.
Click button “Cancel” to cancel to add the catalogue.
Add the device

image32 2image37

Click on the icon to select “add the device” option.

Icon instruction

image32 3image38


Function instruction



Open the camera and shoot the to obtain the data.



Save the device data



Cancel to add the device.

Add the shot

Please see the operation introduction of “add devices”.

Search the local device

Click on the icon to enter “search” dialog box. If there are some devices in local place, you would search out the corresponding device.

Icon instruction

image33 1image42


Function instruction


image27 1

return to device management



pop up the option of “add menu”


image33 2

search the device again

Click on the icon
, then pop up the menu as follows:

Add a device: add DVR (multi- channel)
Add a shot: add a single camera (single channel)
Modify the name: modify the name of the device or shot
Modify IP: Modify the IP address, subnet mask, gateway information
Modify the device password

image43 1

1.4 Playback

Click button “playback” option in the main menu, and then select to playback the video.


After select an event type, start time and end time, clicking on the icon
will list out the remote video lists, and then click on the item will be selected to play or videos.


image44 1

image33 3

1.5 Alarm management

Click the option of “alarm management” in the main menu


Icon instruction




Function instruction


image29 1

No guard





image28 4

Click the pop-up menu options


Click on the icon to select “guard” option, pop up the dialog box as follows:

Select the option those need to and click the button “setup” to save the current settings; Click the button “cancel” to cancel the current settings.


image28 5image47 1

Click on the icon to select the button “unguard”, cancel the current camera setting.


image28 6

Click on the icon to select “note” option, and then pop up the dialog as follows:

ASMS notification: set the cell phone number of alarm notification
News push: open/ close the news push setting
In the notification interface, and then into “SMS notification” interface

Icon instruction

image28 7

image48 1

image49 1


Function instruction


image27 2

return to the


image40 1

Add the number of SMS


image6 1

Delete the current number


Click on the icon to select “record” option, and then pop up the dialog of “alarm record”

The icons instruction

image28 8image50


Function instruction


image27 3

return to the alarm management


image33 4

search the alarm record



page up



page down


image53 1

Delete all alarm information

1.6 Local playback

Click on “local playback” option in the main menu, and then into the interface as follows

Click on the icon
, the local playback video list change to editing states.

Select the video options that you want to delete, and then click the icon
; you can delete the selected local video.

image54image5 1image55image56 2

1.7 Image view

Click on “images browsing” option

Click on the icon
, the local playback video list change to editing states.

Select the image options that you want to delete
, and then click on the icon to delete the selected local images.

image57image5 2image58image56 3

1.8 Modify password

Click on” modify password” option in the main menu, and then into the interface as follows:

Click on the icon to save the current modified password

image59image35 2

1.9 Local configuration

Click on “local configuration” option in the main menu, and then into the interface as follows

Function instruction

image60 1



PTZ length

The camera rotation rate setting

Do not disturb

Alarm Info Tips switch

Alarm voice

Close the alarm voice

Click on the icon to save the current configuration.

image35 3















Open the software into the login interface, inputting the username and password and click button “login”, then it will be login the application.

Icon description

image61 1


Function description



After select, it will go directly to the main menu when you log in again.

Notice: Please click “LoginFree”, directly into the system, without verifying user name and password. And you can get help information without login.


2.1 User register

User register

Click the button “register” on the login menu, then will jump to the register interface.

Enter the register information, click “register” then will be registered.

Note: 1 please enter the valid E-mail address in order to retrieve your password when you lost it.


2 No account login version, no such function! 
retrieve the password

On the register clicking the button “login” and jump to “Retrieve password” interface.

Input the username, click button “
retrieve password”.
If you have entered your name and email address when registering and the username has been occupied, then “retrieve password” information will be sent to the email address.



2.2 Real-time preview

In the main menu, clicking “real-time preview
Click “Favorites” button, go to “collection management” interface

Select one of the devices on “Live list” enters the video preview interface.


Button instruction



function instruction



return to main menu


image68 1

move to the left


image69 1

move to the right



move down



move up


image72 1







zoom out



zoom in



aperture enlarge


image77 1

aperture narrow



start/ close intercom



start/ close speakers



stop/ start





image82 1

start / close the local video


image83 1




channel switcher

2.3 device management

Click the button” device management” on the main menu and enter “device management” interface.

Icon instruction



Function instruction


image67 1

return to the main menu



click on the pop-up menu, such as modifying parameters, name options





image88 1






image90 1

after pop-up, add the catalogue,, device and shot menu



search the local shot

Modify the connection parameter

Click on the icon, select “modify connect parameter”, then into “modify device” dialog box

Click on the icon, return to the device management lists.
Click on the icon, save the current configuration.
Modify the name

image86 1image92 1image67 2image93

Click on the icon, select the option “modify the name”, then pops up “modify name” or “modify the catalogue” dialog box.

AClick “OK” button to save the current configuration.
Click “cancel” button to cancel the modifying.


image86 2image94

Click on icon, select “delete’ button to delete the current device directly

Add the catalogue

image86 3

Click on icon, select “add the catalogue” option, then pops up “add the catalogue” dialog box

Click “OK” button, it will be saved the current configuration. Then will be showed in the device management list.
Click button “Cancel” to cancel to add the catalogue.

Add the device

image90 2image95

Click on the icon to select “add the device” option.

Icon instruction

image90 3image96


Function instruction



Open the camera and shoot the QR code to obtain the data.



Save the device data


image67 3

Return the main menu

Add the shot

Please see the operation introduction of “add devices”.

Search the local device

Click on the icon to enter “Device search” dialog box. If there are some devices in local place, you would search out the corresponding device.

Icon instruction

image91 1image99


Function instruction


image67 4

return to device management


image86 4

pop up the option of “add menu”


image91 2

search the device again

Click on the icon
, then pop up the menu as follows:

Add a device: add DVR (multi- channel)
Add a shot: add a single camera (single channel)
CModify the name: modify the name of the device or shot
Modify IP: Modify the IP address, subnet mask, gateway information
Modify the device password


2.4 Playback

Click button “playback” option in the main menu, and then select to playback the video.

After select an event type, start time and end time, click the button OK will list out the remote video lists, and then click on the item will be selected to play or download videos.


2.5 Alarm management

Click the option of “alarm management” in the main menu

Icon instruction



Function instruction


image87 1

No guard





image86 5

Click the pop-up menu options


Click on the icon to select “guard” option, pop up the dialog box as follows:

Select the option those need to alarm and click the button “OK” to save the current settings; Click the button “Cancel” to cancel the current settings.


image86 6image104

Click on the icon to select the button “unguard”, cancel the current camera setting.


image86 7

Click on the icon to select “note” option, and then pop up the dialog as follows:

SMS notification: set the cell phone number of alarm notification
Message push: open/ close the news push setting

In the notification interface, and then into “SMS notification” interface

Icon instruction

image86 8image105image106


Function instruction


image67 5

return to the alarm management



Add the number of SMS



Delete the current number



Click on the icon to select “record” option, and then pop up the dialog of “alarm record”

The icons instruction

image86 9image109


Function instruction


image67 6

return to the alarm management


image91 3

search the alarm record



page up



page down



delete all alarm information


2.6 Local playback

Click on “local playback” option in the main menu, and then into the interface as follows

Click on the icon
, the local playback video list change to editing states.

Select the video options that you want to delete, and then click the button “delete”; you can delete the selected local video.

image113image98 1image114

2.7 Image view

Click on “images browsing” option

Click on the icon
, the local playback video list change to editing states.

Select the image options that you want to delete, and then click on the button delete to delete the selected local images.


2.8 Modify password

Click on” modify password” option in the main menu, and then into the interface as follows:

Click on the icon
to save the current modified password.


2.9 Local configuration

Click on “local configuration” option in the main menu, and then into the interface as follows

Function instruction




PTZ length

The camera rotation rate setting

Do not disturb

Alarm Info Tips switch

Alarm voice

Close the alarm voice

Alarm languagece

Alarm push language

Click on the icon
to save the current configuration.

image118 1





Double-click to open QmEye installation file, pop up following the installation wizard(The version number may be different, but not influence use)



Click “next” until the following interface, click the “install”



After the installation of software, pop-up window as follows:



Click “finish”





2、Using the software

2.1 Login

Start the application, the program into the landing interface, as shown in P2-1



P2-1 Login

  Enter account and password to log in. If the user does not have the account , you can apply for to register.  And local login is permitted.

2.2 Register

Clicks the “register” on the login interface, enter the registration screen, as shown in P2-2.



P2-2 Register

With * is required, fill in and then click the “register”.

2.3 Password lost

If users have account, but forget the login password.You can through the e-mail to retrieve password. Click “Password lost”, Enter the following interface



图2-3 Password lost

  Mail QueryL: Check the reserved E-mail information when registering.

  Retrieve Password: System will send an email to the email, according to the prompt to reset the login password

2.4 Main Interface

  After the success of the user login, enter the main interface, as shown in P2-4.



P2-4 main interface

  Main interface is divided into four parts, including at the top of the navigation bar(P2-5), he left menu bar – device list and function(P2-6), in the middle of the play rect(P2-7), And at the bottom of the play controls(P2-8)



P2-5 Navigation bar



P2-6 Device list and function



P2-7 The play rect



P2-8 Play controls

  The description of each icon function as the following:


function description


function description



Directory: For equipment management, classification of grouping and operation



The local video, select a live preview screen to start the video. Video files saved on your PC.



equipment:Multi-channel DVR, NVR, etc.

   If the corresponding equipment don’t online icon as grey



Local snap, select a live preview screen starts to capture. The snap images stored on your local PC.



Camera:The IPC or a channel, etc,If the corresponding camera don’t online icon as grey



Talkback, real-time two –way intercom



Single picture full-screen playback, can also double-click on the play form in full-screen playback



Monitoring, one-way receive the playback audio



Turn off the live preview



64 split-screens, 1、4、9、16、25、36、49 and 64 split-screens.



full screen, picture full screen playback.



sign out


image140 1

64 split-screens, support 1、4、9、16、25、36、49 and 64 split-screens.



help, click to open help page



Page up



Page down

2.5 Control panel



Picture 2-9 control panel


Screen locking: Lock the screen, in the lock case is not able to do any operation in current interface apart from unlocking.(PS: It is not permitted, on local login mode.)

Log off: logout the

Playback: to playback the remote video and local video

Photos: view local images save by capture

Password Correcting: modify the user logon password(PS: It is not permitted, on local login mode.)

Alarm Settings: set the front-end device booted and alarm monitoring types(PS: It is not permitted, on local login mode.)

Device Searching: search all device which in LAN

DeviceAdministration: for operation such as rename, add, delete a device.

2.6 Add the Device

2.6.1 Quick Add

     “Control Panel” ->” Device Searching”, then pop up the device searching interface, as shown in P2-10



P2-10 search the device


     Select out a device is searched, and then click “add to the list” filling device login ID and password, as showed in P2-11



P2-11 add a device to lists


Parent directory: add the camera to specific catalogue

Scene name: add to the display name of the user to the device lists.

Username: login username of the device

Password: the login password of the device

Channel NO: view what channel number, start from 1. Completed IPC as 1

Streaming: request to a front- end device stream format while live preview, default is sub stream. Fulfill the above information: after finished, click “add” button





2.6.2Add the device manually


“Control the panel” ->”Device management”, then pop up the device management interface, as shown in figure 2-13




Picture 2-13 device management

Firstly, select a directory from the device list box, then click “add the cameras” enter the added interface like the following figure:



Picture 2-14 add cameras


     Device name: the display name that you add to the user device list, more convenient to people identify (such as living room)

    Device type: lens (the channel of the IPC, DVR\NVR), device (such as DVR\NVR)

    Connection modes: (IP address and port access mode), P2P (cloud- penetration mode)

    Protocol: select the front-end device protocol

Cloud ID: front-end device ID to identify the device, P2P mode exclusive.

Username: the login username of device

Password: device login password

    Channel NO: view what channel number, start from 1. Completed IPC as 1 (if it is the device type, it is the channel number mean: complete 8 if is 8Channel DVR)

    Stream: request to a front- end device stream format while live preview, 0 is main stream,1 is sub stream, default is sub stream.


2.7 Alarm setting

“Control the panel” ->”alarm configuration”, then pop up the alarm setting interface, as shown in figure 2-15




Picture 2-15 alarm setting

     Guard: start 4 alarm types monitoring which you tick

      Unguard: cancel all alarm types monitoring

PC Push: after booting and the related equipment alarm is triggered, the server will push the information to the PC client and prompt the user

Add number: add SMS notice number

Delete number: delete SMS notice number

Turn off the alarm: turn off the alarm, which the PC client is no longer to prompt the push information of device trigger alarm

Open the alarm: turn on the alarm, which the Pc client will prompt the push information of device trigger alarm.

View the alarm information: after starting current PC to view all alarms push messages.


2.8Video playback

2.8.1 Remote


“Control the panel” ->”video playback”, then pop up the video select operation interface, (as shown in figure 2-16), select “remote video” then into remote video playback interface, as shoun in figure 2-17




Picture 2-16 video types select




Picture 2-17 remote video playback

      Select a device and set up the query time then click it to acquire the relevant video information. as shown in figure 2-18



Picture 2-18 remote video lists


  Double click a video to play in the video lists (as follows), double click the playing interface can be full screen.



Picture 2-19 remote video playback

2.8.2 Local video

“Control the panel” ->”video playback” -> “local video”, then pop up the local video interface, (as following:




    Select the local video date that need to view. Query the related video and double click to play.


IP Camera

IE Browser User Manual


Thank you for using our IP camera products. This series of products are all-in-one IP cameras designed for network video surveillance, including box IP camera, infrared box IP camera, dome IP camera, speed dome IP camera, etc. The products adopt high performance and powerful single SOC chip media processor to integrate audio and video capture, compression and transmission. Standard H.264 Baseline and Main Profile coding algorithm ensures clearer and smoother video transmission effect. Built-in Web Server allows users to easily perform real-time monitoring and remote control over front-end cameras via IE browser.

This series of IP cameras is suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises, families, and other environments that require remote network video transmission and monitoring. It is easy to install and operate.






Contents in this manual may be different from the edition that you are using. Should any unsolved problem occur given that the product is used according to this manual, please contact our technical support department or your product suppliers.
The content of this manual may be updated at irregular intervals without prior notice.





  This manual is suitable for engineers as follow:

System planning person
Support and maintenance person



“IP Camera” mentioned in this manual refers to network camera, including box IP camera, dome IP camera, infrared box IP camera, speed dome IP camera,etc.
Click: Press the left mouse button once.
Double-click: Press the left mouse button twice.
[ ]”:Window name, menu name and data sheet.

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