SADP Tool Software User Manual

SADP Tool , Search Active Protocol software is user-friendly and -free online device search tool. It searches the active online devices within your subnet and displays the information of the devices. You can also modify the basic information of the devices using this software.

  1. Introduction
    1. Overview

Search Active Devices Protocol software is user-friendly and installation-free online device search tool. It searches the active online devices within your subnet and displays the information of the devices. You can also modify the basic network information of the devices using this software.

    1. System Requirements

Operating System:

Microsoft 10/Windows 8/Windows 8.1/Windows 7/Windows 2008 32/64-bit,

Windows XP/Windows 2003 32-bit

CPU: Intel Pentium IV @ 3.0 GHz or above

RAM: 1G or above

Video Card: RADEON X700 Series

Display: 1024*768 resolution or above

    1. Conventions

In order to simplify the description, we define the “SADP software” as “software” in the following chapters.

    1. Version Information

After installing the software, click e on the desktop to run the software.

Click the ^3 button in the upper-right corner to view the version information and you can click User Manual to get the User Manual of the software.

  1. Operating SADP Software
    1. Searching Active Devices Online

Task1: Search Online Devices Automatically

SADP Tool Software User Manual

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After launching the SADP software, it automatically searches the online devices every 1 minute from the subnet where your locates. It displays the total number and information of the searched devices in the device list. Device information including the device type, IP address, port number, gateway, etc. will be displayed.

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  • Device can be searched and displayed in the list immediately by clicking Refresh after it goes online. It also will be searched and displayed in the list in 1 minute automatically after it goes online.
  • Device will be removed from the list immediately by clicking Refresh after it went offline. It also will be removed in 3 minutes automatically after it went offline.

Task2: Search Online Devices Manually

You can also click Refresh to refresh the online device list manually. The newly searched devices will be added to the list.

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  • You can click D or O on each column heading to order the information; you can click to expand the device table and hide the network parameter panel on the right side, or click □ to show the network parameter panel.
  • Click and drag the column heading to change the heading sequence.

Double-click the IPv4 Address field of the searched device, and the login interface via web browser of the device will be opened. You can enter the user name and to log into the device.

To save the information of searched devices, select the device(s) by checking the checkbox(es) and click Export. Input the file name in the pop-up window. Click to select the saving path and click Confirm to save the information as excel file.

File Name:

File Path:

    1. Activating the Device

Before you can log into the device properly, or modify the network parameters, you must create a password for the device’s user “admin” to activate it.

This function should be supported by the devices.

Task 1: Activating the Single Device


  1. Select the device which is in inactive status by checking the checkbox.

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  1. In the Device Network Parameters panel, create a password for the device and confirm the password. The system will judge password strength automatically, and we highly recommend you to use a strong password to ensure your data security.

I Activate the Device


The device is not activated.

You can modify the network parameters after
the device activation.

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STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED A strong password ranges from 8 to 16 characters,

and must contain at least two of the following categories: numbers, lowercases, uppercases and special characters. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.

  1. Click Activate to activate the device. A “The device is activated.” hint window pops up when the password is set successfully.

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After activation, the device IP address will be set as the default IP: For modifying the IP address, refer to Chapter 2.3 Modifying the Network Parameters.

Task 2: Activating the Devices in Batch

You can activate multiple devices at the same time with the same admin password.


  1. Select multiple devices to be activated by checking the checkboxes in the device list.
  2. Create a password in the New Password field for the devices, and confirm the password. The system will judge password strength automatically, and we highly recommend you to use a strong password to ensure your data security.

I Activate Devices in Batch


The device is not activated.

You can modify the network parameters after
the device activation.

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STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED A strong password ranges from 8 to 16 characters, and must contain at least two of the following categories: numbers, lowercases, uppercases and special characters. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.

  1. Click Activate to activate the device.
  2. After activation, the confirmation list will pop up, showing the total selected device number, the activation failed number, and the details of each device.

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After activation, the devices IP addresses will be set as the default IP: For modifying the IP address, refer to Chapter 2.3 Modifying the Network Parameters.

2.3 Modifying the Network Parameters

Task 1: Modifying Network Parameters of One Device


  1. Select the device to be modified in the device list by checking the checkbox and the network parameters of the device will be displayed in the Modify Network Parameters panel on the right side.
  2. If the DHCP function of the device is enabled, you can edit the device’s port No. and HTTP port No.. You can also uncheck the Enable DHCP checkbox to set the modifiable network parameters (e.g., IP address, subnet mask) manually.

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  1. If the DHCP function of the device is not enabled, you can set the modifiable network parameters (e.g., IP address, subnet mask) as desired. You can also check Enable DHCP checkbox to obtain the IP Address, Subnet Mask, IPv4 Gateway, IPv6 Address and IPv6 Gateway of the device automatically.

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  • The IPv6 should be supported by the device.
  • The DHCP function should be supported by the device and the router that the device connected with.
  1. Enter the password of the admin account of the device in the Admin Password field and click Modify to modify the parameters.

Task 2: Modifying Network Parameters of Multiple Devices

You can modify multiple devices’ network parameters which have the same admin password.


  1. Select multiple devices to be modified by checking the checkboxes in the device list.
  2. In the Modify Network Parameters in Batch panel on the right side, edit the modifiable network parameters, e.g. start IP address and port. The devices’ IP addresses will be set consecutively from the start IP address and other parameters will be set to the same.

Example: If you select three devices for modification and set the start IP address as, then the IP addresses of the devices will be modified as, and in order.

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  1. Or you can check Enable DHCP checkbox to enable the DHCP function for the selected devices. In this way, the IP Address, Subnet Mask, IPv4 Gateway, IPv6 Address and IPv6 Gateway of the devices can be obtained automatically.

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  • The IPv6 should be supported by the device.
  • The DHCP function should be supported by the device and the router that the device connected with.
  1. Enter the password of the admin account of the devices in the Admin Password field and click Modify to modify the parameters.
  2. After modification, the confirmation list will pop up, showing the total selected device number, the modification failed number, and the details of each device.

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2.4 Restoring and Resetting Password

According to the device, you can restore the default password or reset the password if you forget the device’s admin password.

      1. Restoring the Default Password


For some devices, if you forget the admin password of your device, you can restore the default password.


  1. Send the serial No. of the device which needs password recovery to our technical engineers and you will get a security code.
  2. Select the device for restoring default password by checking the checkbox. Click Forgot Password to activate the Restore Default Password window.
  3. Input the code in the Security Code field and click Confirm to restore the default password of the device.

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  • The default password (12345) for the Admin account is for first-time log-in purposes only. You must change this default password to better protect against security risks, such as the unauthorized access by others to the product that may prevent the product from functioning properly and/or lead to other undesirable consequences.
  • We highly recommend you to use a strong password to ensure your data security. A strong password ranges from 8 to 16 characters, and must contain at least three of the following categories: numbers, lowercases, uppercases and special characters.
  • Proper configuration of all passwords and other security settings is the responsibility of the installer and/or end-user.
      1. Resetting the Password


According to the device, we provide two different methods selectable for resetting the password if you forget the device’s admin password: Import File or Input Key.

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This function should be supported by the devices.

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Option 1: Import File

You can export the device’s key request file and send it to our technical engineers. Our technical engineer will send you another key file which contains the resetting permission resetting. You can import the key file to reset the password.


  1. Select the device for resetting the password by checking the checkbox.
  2. Click Forgot Password to enter the Reset Password interface.

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  1. Click Export button to the key request file. Set the file path in the pop-up window.

Click Select Folder to save the device key request file on your PC.

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The exported key request file is XML file which is named as Device Serial No.-System Time.

  1. Send the key request file to our technical engineers and the engineer will send

you a key file back.

  1. Select Import File radio button as the resetting mode.
  2. Click Ez to select the key file (XML file) returned by the technical engineer and click Open.
  3. Input new password in text fields of New Password and Confirm Password. The system will judge password strength automatically, and we highly recommend you to use a strong password to ensure your data security.

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STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED A strong password ranges from 8 to 16 characters, and must contain at least two of the following categories: numbers, lowercases, uppercases and special characters. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.

  1. (Optional) You can check the checkbox of Reset Network Cameras’ Passwords to reset the connected network cameras’ passwords to the same one.


The function should be supported by the device.

  1. Click Confirm to reset the password.

Option 2: Input Key

You can take a picture of the device’s QR code and send it to our technical engineer. Our technical engineer will send you a key which indicates the resetting permission. You can input the key to reset the password.

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The function should be supported by the device.


  1. Select the device for resetting the password by checking the checkbox.
  2. Click Forgot Password to enter the Reset Password interface.

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  1. You can use phone to take a picture of the QR code and send the code to our technical engineers. Our engineer will send you a key back.

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The key returned from the technical engineer is an 8-bit character string.

  1. Select Input Key radio button as the resetting mode.
  2. Input the key received from the technical engineer.
  3. Input new password in text fields of New Password and Confirm Password. The system will judge password strength automatically, and we highly recommend you to use a strong password to ensure your data security.

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STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED A strong password ranges from 8 to 16 characters, and must contain at least two of the following categories: numbers, lowercases, uppercases and special characters. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.

  1. (Optional) You can check the checkbox of Reset Network Cameras’ Passwords to reset the connected network cameras’ passwords to the same one.

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The function should be supported by the device.

  1. Click Confirm to reset the password.


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