How to Set Up 2M Station

How to Set Up 2M Station, 2M Station is the PC software to view your on your computer on and offsite. This program only works with models: 2MT-4004, 2MT-4008, 2MT-4088, 2MT-4016, 2MN-8004-P4, 2MN-8008-P8, 2MN-8116-P16, 2MN-8232-P16, and our IP cameras

When first running the program, it will prompt you for a username and password which will be admin/123456 by default. It is recommended that you change the password after .

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Once you are logged in it will show the menu. Click on Device Management to add any devices. On the left side make sure that  Device is selected. It will show at the bottom of the screen any devices that are online as long as the computer is on the same network as the devices.

There are two methods to add an online device. The first method is fairly simple. All you need to do is check the box for the NVR that shows under Online Device and then click Add. The second method to adding an online device is to manually add it. First click on Add next to Managed Device, and it will open another window where you can input the details of your device. It will ask for:

  • Device Name → can be any name for your device
  • IP/Domain → local or public IP address of NVR
  • Port → port number of NVR
  • Username → username of NVR
  • Password → password of NVR

After putting in all of the correct information of your device, click on Add and then the device should come online.

Another method to add a device is by using the P2P method which allows for a user to view their cameras offsite from any location. The device will be added as a  Device instead of an Encoding Device.

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It will show Login and Register buttons that will link to your Star4Live account which will show the devices you have previously added. After logging in, it will take a minute or two for the devices to show online. At first, it will say Offline (Connecting…), but eventually the status will show Online.

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After successfully adding all of your devices, go back to the menu and click on  to view your cameras. A list of online devices will show on the left side of the window. Click and drag the device into the window view in order to load all of the video. If not all of the cameras are wanted in view, you can click on the plus sign next to your device and it will show a list of cameras connected to the NVR. You can click and drag specific cameras onto the live view screen.

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How to Set Up 2M Station for 2MN-8XXX Series

  1. When you log in for the first time, login info is username: admin password: 123456
  2. Click on Device Management

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802 Greenview Dr.

Suite 100

Grand Prairie, TX 75050

Phone: 972-206-1212

Fax: 972-999-4113

  1. Two methods you can use to add device

To Add NVR on Local Network (will only work on site with NVR):

1. Make sure Encoding Device is selected

Device Group

=; Encoding Device

■ Decoding Device

Cloud Device

iiiiiiii Network Keyboard

2M Station should automatically read the device if it is online Under Online Device, select the device you would like to add Click on the plus sign and click add

If it does not automatically read, you can manually add it by clicking on Add in the Managed Device section

Managed Device(O) + Add 0 Edit Uli Delete O TimeSync Status

V Name IP Address Status Mode

  1. Device Name can be anything
  2. Add the IP address of the device
  3. Type in username and password of the device and Add

word image 757 5

Device Info X

Adding Mode:

< IP/Domain IP Segment

Device Name





Add to Group… I Add Cancel

  1. Go back to the Home Page or Menu

802 Greenview Dr.

Suite 100

Grand Prairie, TX 75050

Phone: 972-206-1212

Fax: 972-999-4113



10. Click on Live View


2M Station

Control Panel

Live Viewfl)

Device Management

I Common

Live View

View live video and manage live view.





Two-way audio and broadcast.

Search for and play back recordings.

Use and configure the video wall.

View alarms in real time when any exception occurs.

I Basic

Alarm Configuration

People Counting

Device Management

Count people that entered/left during a certain period.

Add, edit, delete and configure devices.


Behavior Search

Face Recognition

Client Configuration Sequence Resource

Recording Schedule


Operation Log


11. Double click or drag the device you would like to view onto the live view screen

To Add NVR Onto the Cloud To View Remotely:


Go to Device Management


Click on Cloud Device

802 Greenview Dr.


Login with Star4Live account (P2P account)

Suite 100


Make sure your devices have already been added to the cloud account

Grand Prairie, TX 75050




Fax: 972-999-4113

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How to Use With 2M Station

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