Hikcentral FAQ Full Guide

Hikcentral FAQ Full Guide, HikCentral Professional – Hikvision’s security management software – helps professionals tackle various security obstacles on one platform. You can seamlessly manage individual systems with ease, such as video, , alarm detection, and more. Join countless professionals who rely on HikCentral Professional to optimize day-to-day security operations for a variety of scenarios.

Hikcentral FAQ Full Guide

Table of Contents

My SYS service keep starting and stopping after making changes to the hardware of the HCP server. Why?

Your licenses were not de-activated before making the hardware changes. This is required before making hardware changes to a physical or virtual server hosting the HCP platform.

This de-activation must be done before the hardware changes.

Once the de-activation is done. Do the following steps:

• Power down the server.
• Make the changes to the hardware that is needed,
• Power the server back up.
• Launch the “Hik Central Professional Web Client”.
• Re-activate your license codes.

This also applies if the enviroment is virtualized.

Does the Hik Central Professional Streaming Server require any additional licensing?

No. Hik Central Streaming server does not require any additional licensesin. It does require a seperate physical or virtual server  for the software installation.

How do I a Hikvision keyboard to a HikCentral server

– On the keyboard tap on HikCentral

– tap on Server IP in the upper right and put in your HikCentral server address (external domain or internal) and tap on OK

– Type in your server login information


An unused device is taking up a license in HikCentral, how do I free up the license?

You need to delete the device from the area to free up the license.

1.Log into the HikCentral web client
2.Menu (top left) > Resource management > Area
3.Select the area the device is under (in the screenshot below, the device is under ‘Access Controller’)
4.Select which resource it is on the top of the screen (is the device a camera? door?)
5.Check on the box next to the device you want to delete, then click on the trash can icon on the top to delete the device


** Note: After deleting the device from area, the license should have freed up. You can then check the licenses in HikCentral to confirm (top right, Maintenance and Management > License details)



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** Screenshots taken from HikCentral V2.2.1

Where do I create users in HikCentral V2.x?

1.Log into the HikCentral web client
2.Menu (top left) > Account and Security > Users


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Can my PC handle running the HikCentral Control Client?


It depends on the computer’s specs. Please compare the specs of the computer running the HikCenrtal control client with the specs listed in the document below. The specs will be listed on page 15 onwards.




** The spec sheet is a guideline of the general requirements needed to run the control client. You do not need to have the same parts listed in the spec sheet.


Can I stop the HikCentral Web Client from auto logging out?

No, though you do have the option to change the auto logout time. If you are actively using the web client, it should not auto log you out. It will only auto log you out if there is a period of inactivity on the web client.


To change the auto logout time:

1.Menu (top left) > Account and Security > Security Settings > disable ‘Web Login Expires If No Action Within’


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** Screenshots taken from HikCentral V2.2.1


Where do I disable the failed login lockout in HikCentral V2.x?

1.Log into the HikCentral Web Client
2.Menu (top left) > Account and Security > Security Settings > disable ‘Lock IP Address When Failed Login Attempts Exceed Limit’


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How many more streams can I get with a HikCentral stream server?


How many more streams can I get with a HikCentral stream server?


200-300 additional streams

I have a trial license for HikCentral Professional but it doesn’t appear to be compatible on Mac. Is this correct?


I have a trial license for HikCentral Professional but it doesn’t appear to be compatible on Mac. Is this correct?


Mac is currently unsupported with HikCentral.

Where do you WAN access on HikCentral V2.x?


1.Log into the HikCentral web client
2.Hover over the menu (top left) > System Configuration > > WAN Access


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How do I add licenses to HikCentral V2.x?


1.Log into the HikCentral web client
2.Hover over ‘Maintenance ad management’ > click on ‘Update license’
3.Select the update type, ‘online upgrade’ or ‘offline upgrade’
1.Online upgrade: use this option if the server/PC is connected to internet
1.Select ‘Online Upgrade’
2.Type in the license in the ‘Activation Code’ section
1.Click on the ‘+’ on the right of the activation code section to add more than 1 license
3.Check on the ‘I accept the terms…’ checkbox
4.Click on ‘Update’
2.Offline upgrade:use this option if the server/PC is not connected to internet
1.Select ‘Offline Upgrade’
2.Put the license in the ‘Step 1: Enter activation code and generate License request file’ section
1.Click on the ‘+’ on the right of the activation code section to add more than 1 license
3.Check on the ‘I accept the terms…’ checkbox
4.Click on ‘Generate file request’
5.Follow the in step 2 to generate a respond file
1.Go to this website to generate a respond file https://kms.hikvision.com/#/active
6.Import the respond file into the HikCentral web client (use a PC with internet connection)
7.Click on ‘Update’


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What ports are required for external access when using HCP 2.2.1?


Th below ports in the screenshot are required to be opened on the local Windows that is hosting the HCP, and opened and forwarded to the IP address of the Server hosting the HCP on the Hardware firewall.


Also to note: The publinc IP address of the network the Server hosting the HCP should be entered on the “IP address” line.

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How do I setup an NTP server in HikCentral?


• Log into HikCentral with your admin credentials
• Click on the control panel in the upper left corner and go into General>System Configuration>Network>NTP
• From NTP, enable time synchronization and put in your NTP server

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How do I add persons to access level in HikCentral?


• Log into HikCentral with your admin credentials
• Click on the control panel in the upper left corner and look for Access Control
• Under Access Control, go into Access Level>Manage Access Level and add your access level
• Once your access level is created you will need to go to Assign by Access Level and from there you can select the level and assign specific people to that level


How do I add persons to HikCentral?


• Log into HikCentral with your admin credentials
• Click on the control panel in the upper left corner and look for Person
• From there you can add a person group and persons

Can I install the Hik Central Streaming Server on the Hik Central SYS server?


No.  Each Hik Central Streaming Server need to be installed on its own physical or virtual server.


Does the Hik Central Professional Streaming Server require any additional licensing?


No. Hik Central Streaming server does not require any additional licensesin. It does require a seperate physical or virtual server for the software installation.


How many additional streams can i get to a Hik Central system if I add a Hik Central Streaming server?


300 additional for each streaming server added.


For example:

If you have a single Hik Central SYS  server (200 Streams). And add a single Hik Central Streaming server (300 Streams). Then you will have a total of 500 streams.


How many streams does a Hik Central SYS server support?




How do I change the client timeout settings for the Hik central Control Client?


In the Hik Central Web CLient go to “General->Account and Security->Security Settings” Down towards the bottom of the page you will find the timeout settings options.


I forgot my password for the Windows Server hosting the Hik Central Professional. How do i fix this?


As this is a Windows operating system issue. Please contact Dell or Microsoft support for assistance with this.


What is the website for doing a manual activation/deactivation of HCP lisenses?


• Activation website:       https://license.hikvision.com:8443/#/active


How do I reset my HikCentral admin password?


To reset the admin password, you will need the Base license number. The base license should have been emailed to you by your Sales Engineer


My HikCentral Control Client is giving me a VSM 220 error

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VSM 220 appears when the workstation does not support the x64 version of the control client. An x86 version needs to be installed


How to Create a linkage action for Alarm Input in Hikcentral Pro Web client

Open Hikcentral Pro Web client

Click on 4 squares Top left corner> General> Event and Alarm

Add Event and Alarm :

Basic information>Triggering Event >Access Control> Alarm input>check the box next to Alarm Input

Source>Select the ACU > select CaseIn or AlarmIn

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click on Actions > Add Linkage Action> Link Access Point


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Access  Point> Specified Access Point >+Add


Link Access Point> select the Access control Panel> Select the Door > Add

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Action> select corresponding action > Add

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How do I upgrade HikCentral to the version?

• First open HikCentral Web Client and log in as admin *(Server only)
• Go into your License details and scroll to the bottom and look for Software Update Program and make sure it’s up to date *(IF YOU SOFTWARE UPDATE PROGRAM IS EXPIRED CONTACT SALES ENGINEER)
• Go into the license list and copy all your licenses onto a notepad
• Go into the backup page and create a back (checkmark everything under Type)
• Find the backup in your file explorer and move the back up to the desktop
• Go to us.hikvision.com and look for the latest version of HikCentral and install the Full Suite Server Software Installer
• Your server will now be upgraded


Can I download the HikCentral control client from the web client?

Yes, you can.

1.Log into the HikCentral web client
2.Hover over the ‘Maintenance and Management’ option
3.Click on the ‘Desktop Client’ option


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* Using HikCentral version 2.2.1

How do i change from proxy to direct access or direct access to proxy on my HikCentral server?


– log into your HikCentral web client with your admin credentials

– Go to the control panel in the upper left

– look for Video and click the sub category Video Settings

– Under Video Settings click on Network and choose either Automantically Judge (Direct access) or proxy

  • HikCentral, Hikvision, IP camera, surveillance system, , video management software, VMS
  • HikCentral not connecting, HikCentral login error, HikCentral video quality, HikCentral performance issues, HikCentral camera not working, HikCentral storage issues, HikCentral network issues
  • HikCentral live view, HikCentral playback, HikCentral recording, HikCentral alarm, HikCentral event, HikCentral analytics, HikCentral integration, HikCentral API, HikCentral app
  • how to use HikCentral, how to set up HikCentral, HikCentral problems and solutions, HikCentral troubleshooting guide, , HikCentral for professionals, HikCentral for small business, HikCentral for enterprise

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